OPATHY will provide ESRs with state-of-the-art network-wide training activities. To avoid fragmentation, existing international courses (e.g. T1 Online Research Skills, I3 Creative Thinking and Innovation) will be integrated into the program. Most network training will be based around three 7 to 9-day summer schools that combine research workshops (W), academic modules (A), transferable skills (T), and innovation and entrepreneurship sessions (I). We will invite external speakers and renowned experts in the respective fields and encourage trainees to interact with them.
The follwong courses will be offered during the OPATHY summer/winter schools:
Summer School 1, University of Aberdeen, UK
Date: August 28 - September 2, 2016
Opathy 1st Summer School, Aberdeen
Winter School 1, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain
Date: March 1-4, 2017
Opathy 1st Winter School, Barcelona
Summer School 2, Hans-Knoell-Institute, Jena, Germany
Winter School 2, University College Dublin, Ireland
Date: March 13-16, 2016
Opathy 2nd Winter School, Dublin
Summer School 3, Biotechvana, Valencia, Spain
Date: August 26 - September 2, 2018
Opathy 3rd Summer School, Biotechvana, Valencia
Winter School 3, QVQ/ Westerdijk Institute, Netherlands
Date: January 16-18, 2019
Opathy 3rd Winter School, Utrecht
Final Symposium, Barcelona, Spain
Date: 2019
This will be a scientific and learning-by-doing training event. The ESRs will organize the open final symposium on “Fungal Infections” and will be involved in all aspects regarding the organization, including selection of a venue, scientific and social programs, fundraising and finances, advertisement, abstract book, website, etc.
A number of recognized scientists have already agreed to participate as speakers, and all ESRs of the ETN will deliver scientific talks. This symposium will be open for other researchers in the fields. Since P8 is board member of the European Society for Clinical Microbial Infectious Diseases and P6 is vice-president of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology, this symposium will be open to the participation of these two societies, which will serve to connect the trainees with practising scientist and clinicians outside OPATHY.
Further Courses
Course I2. Company development, automation and management (P7, P4, P10, P9), 2 days
Location: Bremen, Germany. Introduction to needs and conditions in a company with commercial goals and customer-related obligations. The implementation of modern tools, such as robotics, into clinical laboratories will be demonstrated and discussed.
Course I3. Creative thinking and innovation (P1) 10 ECTS credits. 3 weeks
Instructors: Variety of individuals from public and private sector. Location: Dublin, Ireland. Schedule: Several offerings per year.
This is an interdisciplinary module run by UCD for mixed groups of ESRs. The aim is to help ESRs to access their ability for independent, creative thinking and innovation. Mechanisms for developing effective multidisciplinary teams are explored using short challenges with varying team composition. Participants gain first-hand experience in how to form and develop creative ideas. They are introduced to cycles of risk, failure, self-evaluation and change. All participants embark on a 1-week intensive project with a public or private host, and share their outcomes in an event called “The Pitch”. All ESRs will have the opportunity to complete a 30 credit Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at UCD (including course I3), offered in two additional two week blocks over the three year programme.