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Opathy 1st Summer School, University of Aberdeen

28 Aug 2 Sep 2016


The first OPATHY summer school took place from 28th of August till 2nd of September 2016 and had a focus on clinically important yeasts. Beside an introductory course with lectures it also included practical courses about in vivo and in vitro infection models. Furthmore the ESRs got a training about gender aspects in resaearch and projewct management. More details about the courses can be found below.


Course A1. Introductory course on clinically important yeasts (P2), 0,5 day

Topics include introductory seminars on the biology of important yeast pathogens, their physiology, biochemistry, phylogeny and phylogenomics, clinical aspects, biosafety aspects, immunological interactions with the host, phenotypic versus molecular diagnostics, identification and typing, and immunological/serological detection tools.


Course W1. In vivo and in vitro infection models (P5, P6), 2 days 

Study of infection in microbial pathogenesis, including the assessment of strain virulence. Different models (e.g. rabbit, mouse, fruit fly, and zebra fish) and their specific pro and cons will be discussed. We will cover the 3Rs strategy (Reduce, Refine, Replace), and the legislation and ethics surrounding use of animals in research. Alternative cell-based approaches will be presented.


Course A2. Gender in research training (Yellow WIndow), 1 day 

The training and its materials give the research community practical tools to integrate gender aspects into research in general, and referring to Horizon 2020’s specificities. The training comprises topics as promoting equal opportunities for women and men in research teams (including in decision-making positions) AND integrating a gender dimension in research and innovation. Both topics contribute to excellence in research.


Course T1b. Time and project management, 0,5 day

Time and project management skills in academia and private sector, including setting timelines and targets,
prioritizing, organizing and reporting, using online tools to and achieving higher efficiency.


More pictures of the summer school can be found here.


Institute of Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
AB25 2ZD
United Kingdom
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