I am from Portugal, where I completed the Bachelor's degree in Biology at the University of Lisbon, and then the Master's degree in Medical Parasitology at Institute for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Here, I studied the most important pathogens for medical and veterinary health, as well as the epidemiology of several diseases. I worked as research assistant in the Medical Entomology and Medical Helminthology groups, performing molecular biology and phylogenetic analysis work.
Pathogenic yeasts infect billions of people every year, but besides that they still being poorly studied, and that is why I was interested in being part of OPATHY network, to contribute to the better understanding of those organisms, as well as their relationship with human hosts. At this moment I am working at Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, under supervision of Dr. Toni Gabaldón, in the project ESR1 entitled “Comparative genomics of fungal pathogens”, trying to identify regions of high diagnostic potential in fully sequenced fungi and find genomic determinants of pathogenicity of Candida species.