I am from Portugal and during the last year of my degree in Biochemistry at University of Minho I started to work on the “Extraction and analysis of cell wall surface proteins from Candida albicans” at Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology (CBMA) of the University of Minho. Then, I engaged in the Molecular Genetics Masters at the Department of Biology of the same University where I performed my thesis on "The impact of carbon source in Candida albicans virulence: Participation of RLM1 in host-pathogen interaction". After finishing my Masters in June, 2015 I won a summer scholarship at International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), working under the orientation of Pablo Fuciños, PhD and Alejandro Garrido, PhD as a researcher in the following projects: "Smart-Nanohydrogels as Phage-Delivery Systems for the Control of Foodborne Pathogens" and “Multipathogen detection lab-on-a-chip based on Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification combined with gold nanoparticles”.
Hence my studies were completed I applied for a position to the European Innovative Training Network (ITN) “OPATHY - Omics of PATHogenic Yeasts”. Since March 1st I am working on Identification of markers and transcriptional profiles common to fungal infection and specific to Candida tropicalis infection at Conway Institute (University College of Dublin) under the supervision of Professor Geraldine Butler.