I studied Biology in the University of Granada with an emphasis in the microbiology field (2012). In 2013 I got two Postgraduate Certificates in Cancer and Cell Growth and Food-applied Biotechnology, respectively, from the National University of Distance Education – UNED. Next, I developed an internship in a company as Laboratory Analyst, for physico-chemical and microbiological analysis of water and food. I left food industry when I was granted with a Fellowship from the Spanish Government to work as Molecular Biologist in a company of the agriculture sector. This internship was focused on phytopathological diagnosis by applying molecular biology techniques. These experiences gave me a strong background and boosted my professional career to move and dedicate to what I really wanted to do, the field of research. Therefore, I started my research career during my Master´s degree in Research and Advances in Microbiology from the University of Granada. My interest in Molecular Microbiology related to pathogens with a strong impact on human health led me to perform my research project in the University of Utrecht, from March 2014 to May 2015. This project was focused on the effect of DNA binding proteins in biofilm structures in Neisseria meningitidis. Since March 2016 I joined the research group of Mario Vaneechoutte at the University of Ghent as an early stage researcher (ESR) of the OPATHY network. I was enrolled on a project to study host-pathogen interactions by Dual RNA-sequencing.