I obtained a degree in biology from the University of Seville (2011), after this I achieved a specialized Masters degree in Molecular genetics and biotechnology (2013). As part of my masters degree I realized my master thesis in the department of genetics of the University of Seville in the group of Sebastian Chávez. In my master thesis “Genetic Analysis of the Transcribed Region of HIV in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae: search for factors that contribute to repressor activity in the 5´ end in basal transcription” we tried to find factors that contributed to the latent state of HIV, modifiying Saccharomyces Cerevisiae mutants and doing transcriptional analysis. After the realization of my master thesis I moved to Denmark where I had 1 year internship (2014-2015) in the Rigshospital of Copenhagen. I worked in the pathology department where I collaborated in finding molecular methods to diagnose soft tissue cancer and immunohistochemical assays related to diabetes type 1. My interest for diagnostics and molecular biology made me apply for a position in OPATHY network, since June 2016 I have been working in the group of Cornelia Lass-Flörl in the DIvision of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology of the Medical University of Innsbruck. Our main aim in this project is to find novelle approaches to dianoses and identify fungal infections.