Oliver Cornely is Professor of Internal Medicine and Attending Physician at the 1st Department of Internal Medicine, and Medical Director of the Center of Clinical Trials (ZKS) at the Medical Faculty, both located at the Uniklinik Köln, Cologne, Germany. Dr. Cornely received his medical degree from the University Hospital at Albertus Magnus University, Cologne, in 1994, where he also completed his residency. He then became an intern at the St. Katharinen Hospital, Frechen, Germany. He passed the Board Examinations in internal medicine, infectious diseases, haematology/oncology, and emergency medicine. Originating from an HIV/AIDS clinical research group, Dr. Cornely’s research interests include invasive fungal diseases in haematology/oncology and in the ICU setting. Dr Cornely is also a clinical infectious diseases consultant at the University Hospital of Cologne. Dr Cornely was recently elected President of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology for a 3-year term. He is past-President of the German-speaking Mycological Society, reviewer for numerous international journals, editorial board member for international journals such as Haematologica, Infectious Disease and Clinical Investigation, Editor in Chief of Mycoses, and a sought after invited speaker at numerous international and national conferences and popular workshop leader.